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Machine translations
& editing

We do editing of texts in Czech and in foreign languages.

Before we start an editing job, we assess the feasibility of editing the text and the amount of time required. If editing is determined to be impossible because of the inadequacy of the translation or because it would be more time consuming than making a new translation, we will offer you a new, high-quality translation instead of editing. In cases of translations intended for publication, we offer you proofreading before printing.


Today, machine translation applications are used routinely by translators, and they will play an ever increasing role in the future. We know that these tools help increase productivity for some kinds of texts, while for others they cause problems. If you need to translate a larger volume of texts, please turn to us, and we will be happy to advise you.



Free offer

Send us a text for translation, and we will respond promptly.

Do you need advice? Call us at +420 216 216 566

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