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CZK 499,- page incl. VAT

Take advantage of this special offer for translations from English or German into Czech or vice versa in cases of such standardized forms as birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, diplomas etc.

Upon request, the certified translation can also be provided in electronic form. This eliminates the need to visit our office. Please contact us for further information.

This special price for verified translations / notarized translations is offered only to individuals and does not apply to electronically certified translations.


A certified/notarized translation is attached to the document (the original or a certified copy) from which it was made. It is affixed with an interpreter’s clause and the round rubberstamp of a court-appointed interpreter. In this way, the translator certifies that the translation is in agreement with the attached document.

Free offer

Send us a text for translation, and we will respond promptly.

Attach file:
Max file size is 20 MB.

Do you need advice? Call us at +420 216 216 566

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